Training: Lubbock

AIM students spend their first nine months in Lubbock studying God’s Word and training for their mission field experience.  Various classes are taught by Sunset International Bible Institute instructors and AIM staff.  Outside of classes, students are involved in campus ministry, small group Bible studies, community service work, and much more.  AIMers are also prepared for their specific mission fields through Team Building.  During this time, teams are developed, ministry is learned, and service is practiced.  All teams undertake a series of team dynamic exercises and discussions designed to help strengthen relationships between the team members.  Developing strong relationships in Lubbock helps to create stronger relationships for the mission field and helps to improve ministry in each mission field as well.

Training: Mission Field

After nine months in Lubbock, students approved for the mission field spend a minimum of 14 months on a foreign or domestic mission field (and up to 22 months depending on the location).  While on the field, along with their team, they work with experienced missionaries all over the world to help serve the church and to reach the lost.  This is done through having conversations with those they meet, teaching classes, organizing youth activities, serving the local community, and proclaiming Jesus through their words and actions.

AIM Team

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